During planning everyone cautioned me that March is a wacky month with weather. One year there was a snow storm the last week of March. One March it rained cats and dogs every weekend. One year in March aliens descended the planet and looted villages. You know, uplifting tales. I really appreciated these stories, thank you. But, for whatever reason, this is the one thing I was not stressed out about during planning. I figured you can’t control the weather and since everything is covered/indoors it wouldn’t be the end of the world if it snowed or rained. Cue to one week to go before the wedding.
I am losing my ding dong brainz. I tried to post the 10-day forecast for you all, but guess what... it literally changes every 20 minutes. At one point it said 60% chance of rain, 20 minutes later it said 40% chance, and now it says it's not going to rain- but it's going to pour the day after. I can't take this back and forth, mother nature!! I have cramps from my neck down to my kneecaps! (Literally...I tried to move my new really heavy bed and something is not right with my knee.)
I am losing my ding dong brainz. I tried to post the 10-day forecast for you all, but guess what... it literally changes every 20 minutes. At one point it said 60% chance of rain, 20 minutes later it said 40% chance, and now it says it's not going to rain- but it's going to pour the day after. I can't take this back and forth, mother nature!! I have cramps from my neck down to my kneecaps! (Literally...I tried to move my new really heavy bed and something is not right with my knee.)
The East Coast has been having the most bizarre March ever. You know that phrase “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” Well, it has come in like a lamb and that lamb has been baa baa-ing all month long. It has been the mildest March I can ever remember. It has been sunny and lovely, and I haven’t even worn a jacket for most of the month, but BAM for our wedding weekend it has to be a temperamental little toddler.
But, alas, I mentally smacked myself in the face and came to my senses. For one, weather can change at the drop of a dime as proven from the ninety results I have already found. And, for two, I really love the idea of cute umbrellas, so if it stays rainy on the forecast I can easily run across the street from work to pick up some cute cheap-o umbrellas at H&M. Or, Duane Reade. Or, from the mysterious umbrella street salesmen of NYC that pop-up out of the sidewalk or something once a drizzle begins. Fo' real- where do these people appear from??
Image via Snippet and Ink/Photography by Leo Patrone Photography
Image via Inspiredbythis.com/Photography by Millie Holloman
Are you worried about a rainy wedding?
You know, it's funny, we got married there in late November and I was worried about snow/cold/rain, and I just looked at the weekend forecast and it looks like your late March wedding will have the same weather as our late November wedding. What strange weather we're having! Good luck, no matter what the weather is, you'll make it awesome. Whether by using cute umbrellas or a cool coat/shawl, it'll just add character, that'll be something you'll never forget!